
Microsoft Graph API – Invalid hostname error

This is just a little tip for the future myself (or someone falling the same issue).

Microsoft Graph is a GraphQL Gateway to resources related to Microsoft 365 (including Drive, Sharepoint, and many others).

After some environment updates, I started to receive an error when using an endpoint with SITE ID path:

	"error": {
		"code": "invalidRequest",
		"message": "Invalid hostname for this tenancy",
		"innerError": {
			"date": "2024-04-16T14:36:10",
			"request-id": "8a38f260-332f-4463-b59e-0127c31987b2",
			"client-request-id": "8a38f260-332f-4463-b59e-0127c31987b2"

The message was confusing because I didn’t change any endpoint host. Tried to search for the error and found wrong answers only.

If you have the same issue, do a double check at the SITE ID value in your path, that’s the problem.

Example: ID/drive/root

That’s all folks.

You don’t need to use the triple ID (the original response ",YOUR_SITE_ID,YOUR_WEB_ID" as the SITE_ID). Or any other change.


Writing simple PHP CLI script with ENV-based settings

I recently chose to write a simple command to run in a bash-like environment with PHP.

Why PHP? In short, because I want. The command communicates with remote Rest and GraphQL APIs and needs some level of control over the log messages (errors, info, debug…). Also, I would like to expose some arguments and options with validation rules.

My stack was:

  • guzzlehttp/guzzle: To communicate with remote APIs.
  • monolog/monolog: To control my log streams and formats
  • filp/whoops: To generate beautiful error messages in CLI
  • symfony/console: To easily parse and manage command arguments, options, and responses
  • vlucas/phpdotenv: To allow configuration of internal dependencies using environment variables

As I am not an expert in writing CLI with PHP, I’ve found some troubles while making the internal dependencies access the environment variables. And that led me to write this post.

The first attempt was made using that snippet:

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);

And to read variables inside my code I used:


So I created a file .env , put my variables inside, and called the command in local bash: IT’S WORKING!

But I was wrong about some details: the code will run also using a Docker Container, with variables defined on system ENV (the classic export way).

After many tries, rereading the project README I finally found what I wanted and needed:

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createUnsafeImmutable(__DIR__);

To read the env values I replaced the use of superglobal $_ENV with the $_SERVER:


What you (and I) need to know:

  • The superglobal $_SERVER is more reliable for accessing environment variables with PHP (in that case, getenv should work too, but is not thread-safe)
  • Use the $dotenv->safeLoad() when you can’t guarantee the environment variables will be defined with a file .env